O1A & NIW & EB1A
University of Pennsylvania
Inorganic Chemistry
He works as postdoctoral fellow in the department of materials science and engineering from University of Pennsylvania. He has 12 publications, 6 presentations with 108 citations. No review. Claimed critical role in leading organizations. He has a PhD from Rice University.
Ford Motor Company
Biomedical Engineering
His research focuses on occupant safety in automotive industry. He has 13 journal and conference papers with 11 citations; no reviews. He got his master’s degree in Biomedical Engineering in the U.S.
Penn State University
Atmospheric and Climate Science
She has a Ph.D in Geophysics from University of Science and Technology of China. She works in the field of atmospheric and climate science, with focus on upper tropospheric and lower stratospheric and cross-tropopause processes and their roles in climate change, regional system modeling and data assimilation (clouds, aerosols and greenhouse gases), and urban greenhouse gas transports. She has 20 publications with around 110 citations (in CNKI and Google Scholar); reviewed 9 journal papers. She successfully got her visa in Chengdu after receiving the approval notice.
O1A & EB1A
An energy company
Green Energy
His work focuses on green energy technologies and clean fuels with particular emphasis on materials and electrochemistry. He has 13 publications with 120 citations; and 3 patents. Reviewed 17 papers for 2 journals.
EB1B & O1A
A private network company
Computer Science
He is a Senior Research Engineer at a network company. He is an expert in mobile and wireless network, particularly in the area of energy conservation, quality of service, security ad resource management issues. He has 2 book chapters and 15 journal publications and 18 Conference papers with 155 citation. He has reviewed 21 papers.